Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the event being held?

The November event is being held at Cromhall Quarry, Wotton Road, Wotton-under-Edge, Cromhall, Gloucestershire, GL12 8AA.

Do I have to be a fast swimmer?

No. This is an inclusive, non-competitive event, and is all about the experience. We won't be timing you, or announcing who came first.

There will however be a cut off time on the 750m and 1100m swim for safety reasons.

What swims can I enter?

You can enter any of the events, as long as you’re capable of comfortably swimming your chosen distance in water temperatures below 10ºC (the estimated water temperature at the venue in November).

Please note that for the 1100m and 750m distances we will require you to sign a further declaration on the day to confirm your ability to swim (please see ticket page and the terms and conditions for further information).

Can I enter more than one swim?

Yes, you can swim in more than one event (such as both the 1100m and 50m).

Separate tickets will need to be purchased for each event you enter.

How much is entry?

Entry to the swims ranges from £20-£40 per entrant, depending on the distance.

How cold will the water be?

This event is happening in the off season as we are aiming for that cold water experience.

We expect the water temperatures could be 10ºC or lower.

Please only consider entering the 1100m or the 750m swims if you are comfortable swimming your chosen distance in cold temperatures. The organisers reserve the right to shorten the distances if the water is too cold according to their safety team.

Do I get a badge?

Yes, would it be a Bluetit event without one?

As well as a warm glow, a sense of achievement, and some fantastic memories, you will take away a tote bag, event patch, and distance badge!

How old do I have to be to enter?

Entrants must be 18 or over. Under 18s are welcome to come and spectate as long as they are accompanied by an adult at all times.

What time do I need to be there?

The registration opens at 10am, and we suggest all entrants, especially those taking part in the 1100m and 750m events, arrive for then.

Can I bring someone with me?

Yes! Spectators have free entry, and the more the merrier to cheer the swimmers on! But please do car share wherever possible.

For the 1100m and 750m swims, we do also encourage you bring a warm up buddy along who can help you dress after exiting the water.

What do I need to bring on the day?

As well as your usual swim kit and things to keep you warm, you will need:

A tow float and a bright swim hat so you're visible in the water

Swim shoes

If entering the 1100m and 750m swims, we recommend nominating a warm up buddy to hold your robe and help you dress afterwards.

Is parking available?

Free parking is available on site, but as usual, we do suggest car-sharing where possible.

What facilities are available onsite?

Cromhall Quarry has a shop on-site selling hot drinks, cake and snacks, as well as a covered seating area.

What stalls will be there?

As always, we'll have our stocked-up Bluetits merch stand for you to buy your Bluetit goodies. We'll also be supported by many other businesses (to be confirmed), with a wide range of products for sale.