Questions we've been asked.....

Why isn't the Bluetits a charity?

We thought about it a lot when we set up the organisation and as a community we wanted to be self supportive.

Charities tend to raise money from outside a community to support a project, we wanted to raise money from our own community to support our own community.

Funded by Bluetits for Bluetits.

Why don't we have donation collections at swims?

First of all we don't want to ask our volunteer admins to take on this additional work on top of everything they already do. Secondly we don't want people who don't want to or can't donate to feel uncomfortable.

It feels like a business is it?

Essentially yes the Bluetits is set up as a Community Interest Company which means that there are restrictions on what we can do with the assets of the company.

The idea is that we are a self sufficient community and that we raise enough money from the activities we do to pay for everything.

We don't have any shareholders so 100% of the profits made just go straight back into covering the costs of supporting the community.

Why is the merch so expensive?

The reality is that we are a very small business and the quantities that we sell mean that we can't really order large quantities to get bulk discounts.

We started selling merch because we were asked to. When you spend £1 in the shop only 25p of that is profit that goes back into the community. The rest is used buying the products and on postage and packaging and pf course paying the taxman.

How many paid employees are there at Bluetit HQ?

There are currently 5 of us but we all work on a part time basis in total it amounts to 1.5 full time staff.

Why do we need Bluetit HQ

Bluetit HQ came about out of necessity when Sian could no longer cope with the amount of messages she was getting.

We answer 300-500 emails a month from the community alone.

We also spend time putting on events, putting together safety information, sending out community news, taking part in research, interviews and media around cold water swimming and recently we wrote a water safety course.

We also have volunteers at HQ that help us apply for funding and help with the website.

Who paid for Bluetits to attend the World Championships?

All the Bluetits that attended the event paid for themselves, including anyone from HQ who attended. We received sponsorship from Saga for the robes that the Global Bluetit Swim Team were given and they also contributed to our general funding.

Do the people at HQ get free holidays?

We wish we did!

No if you see us on one of the holidays its because we are Bluetits to and wanted to go but we do pay for ourselves.

The only people not paying are the swim guides who are working on the holidays and do the risk assessments and lifeguard the swims.