Bluetit Tales - Emmie
This year's Mental Health Awareness Week is all about loneliness, and ways to tackle it. We're telling tales of Bluetits who have overcome loneliness, made friends, formed connections, and improved their lives through Bluetitting.
First up is our wonderful admin from Shingle Street Bluetits, Emmie Scott.
"My journey began with me being afraid to leave my own home, to now going on adventures constantly. I would yearn for the sea. I grew up near the sea, with tales of Selkies and waves. I would go to bed and hope to wake up living as a mermaid. I was utterly obsessed. I am not sure how I found the Bluetits or how the Bluetits found me, but I got well and truly swooped up in that flock.
I was excited to see a Bluetits group on my doorstep. I could never dream that I was about to deepen my connection to the water further and meet a fantastic group of people along the way.
I was diagnosed with ADHD and autism as a young adult. I have 4 children and a husband, so life is busy. But, being in the sea, floating around, and laughing makes me feel free. ADHD can make me feel excluded or awkward, but none of these feelings ever have reared their head while being with the Bluetits. In the water, I do not feel awkward. It has changed my life.
I joined the group in June 2021 and have done over 210 swims in less than a year. Quite a feat for someone who didn't really leave the house for over 3 years. Being a Bluetit has changed my life.
I now co-admin our local group and get to encourage others to embark on this journey and support each other in our friendships and love along the way. What happens in the water stays in the water. I am forever grateful. Solidarity to all fellow Bluetits."