The Bluetits Winter Challenge 2024-25
It's back! You loved the format of this challenge last year so it's back to give you another chance to go for your Chilly, Frosty, Snowy or Icy Tit challenge.
4 different waves for you to choose from, so you can set your own goal and ensure your winter challenge is right for you.
How it Works
This time we are changing things up a bit, you can now choose to enter the challenge as a solo entrant, a team of 4 or a team of 8 (you will all need to be doing the same challenge)
- Solo Entry - £8
- Team of 4 - £20
- Team of 8 - £35
1️⃣ Choose if you are entering solo or as a team (teams of 4 and 8 are available).
2️⃣ If entering as a team, choose the team captain who will order the challenge and hold onto the patches until the challenge ends.
3️⃣ The patches and badges will be posted out straight away, you won't need to wait until the challenge ends.
4️⃣ The team leader will receive an email with all the information you need to complete the challenge.
5️⃣ The email will also include links to download the charts that you need to record your progress and certificates that can be filled in for each participant on completion.
What's Included?
1️⃣ Each entrant will receive a sew on patch and pin badge (physical products posted from HQ).
2️⃣ Digital copy of the tracking sheet that you can print for each participant.
3️⃣ Digital copy of a Challenge completion certificate.
Choose your challenge

Chilly Tit - 25 swims
If you’re just beginning your cold water journey then this is a great number of dips to keep you going through the colder months.

Frosty Tit - 50 swims
Not your first rodeo? If you have one winter season under your belt and fancy a slightly bigger challenge, why not go for our Frosty challenge of 50 dips?

Snowy Tit - 75 Swims
If you’ve got a few cold seasons under your belt and you’re feeling confident in the water, then the ‘Snowy 75’ might be up your street.
Complete 75 swims between 1st November 2024 and 31st March 2025.

Icy Tit - 100 swims
Icy is aimed at experienced swimmers and dippers, acclimatised to low temperatures, who are looking to map out their winter in the water and really challenge themselves.
Complete 100 swims/dips between 1st November and 31st March.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do we have to do the same challenge as our team mates?
Yes, all members of the team must be entering the same challenge.
Can we have a team that's not of 4 or 8 members?
You can have any combination of team numbers. All it means is that you may have to buy some solo challenges as well as team ones. If this is done by the team captain, they can hold onto all of the patches for the whole team until the challenge ends.
Do all team mates have to dip at the same time for it to count towards the challenge?
Not at all! All and every dip and swim counts towards your challenge goal, no matter who it's with.
When does the challenge end?
The challenge runs from 1st November 2024 to 31 March 2025.
When do we get our badge and patch?
The badges and patches will be posted to the person who placed the order within 7 working days.
You may choose to appoint a team captain who holds onto them until you have completed the challenge.
What counts as a dip?
For this challenge just getting in the water counts as a dip. The challenge is just for fun and to keep us all motivated to dip with our friends throughout the winter. You can swim in any body of water, for however long, and whatever distance, it's the getting in that counts.
It's warm where I live, can I still take part?
Yes of course! But if you fancy a different challenge for the warmer season check out the other challenges below.