Swim the English Channel

Are you a Bluetit who loves a challenge? Have you ever thought about swimming the English Channel as part of a relay team?
The Bluetit 1 Channel Relay Swim Team took flight in June 2024, and you can have a read about their journey here!
The Bluetit 2 Channel Relay Swim Team is currently in training, and are looking to complete their swim in summer 2025.
We’re now looking for Bluetits to form the Bluetit 3 and 4 Teams (5 members in each team), with the aim for both teams to swim the English Channel in summer 2026!
As well as reading through the blog about Bluetit 1’s (very honest) experience of swimming the Channel, please see below for further information on both how we help facilitate this experience if you accept a place on one of our teams, as well as what’s required of you.
*We understand that some of you will be applying as an individual and will be happy to be placed with unknown Bluetits, and some of you will want to apply as a flock/group of friends. On our form there will be an option to apply as either. If you’re applying as a flock or group of friends, you’ll still all need to individually fill out the application*
If you’d like to join the team please read all the information and complete our application form

Please read the below to understand what expectations are in place by accepting a spot on a Bluetit Channel Relay Team. These details will be confirmed and finalised in a contract you’re required to sign in order to accept your place on your team.
There are a few costs involved in swimming the Channel, the boat and pilot, accommodation and CSA or CS&PF fees.
As you are swimming as a team, we assist in organising this by collecting in the money from each member and paying these on your behalf.
You can choose to pay the costs personally or include these in your fundraising but you must be clear to your donors that some of your funds are to cover the cost of your swim.
We ask all Bluetit Channel Relay Team members to fundraise for the Bluetits on top of the money that you raise for your costs. This money goes towards supporting The Bluetits and helping us support and facilitate further challenges for our community.
For the Bluetit 2 Channel Relay Team, they’re fundraising a total of £2,450 each.
*Due to constant changing costs, we’re unable to give an exact figure you’ll need to fundraise until we offer you a spot on a team and provide you with the contract.*
- Booking the boat for the Channel crossing
- Booking the accommodation for your allocated crossing window
- The Channel Swimming Association (CSA) registration
- An online group training session every month up until the your allocated crossing window
- A training schedule (optional)
- Wording to post to your fundraising page about why The Bluetits is helping to facilitate Channel Relay Team crossings
- A training weekend for all team members prior to the allocated crossing window, which includes boat hire
- Support with fundraising ideas if you believe you won’t reach your target amount
- And most importantly, we’ll provide…the company, support, knowledge and advice of renowned Solo and Relay Channel Swimmer, and Head Bluetit Swim Coach, Makala Jones, who will be joining you as a Team member! Makala will be alongside you during the Channel swim, and she will be fully supporting you prior to it. She will be providing you with an optional training schedule, running the online training sessions, as well as the training weekend. She’ll also be available for one-on-one support if you need it, and can provide you with first-hand knowledge that can only be gained from someone who has swam the Channel, more than once!
- The boat for the Channel crossing
- Accommodation for the duration of the allocated crossing window, plus one day either side
- The Channel Swimming Association (CSA) registration costs
- Boat hire for a training weekend prior to the allocated crossing window
- Services provided from The Bluetits
- Travel to the event and the training weekend
- Accommodation for the training weekend
- Personal insurance
- Cancellation insurance
- Agree to stick to a training schedule (which we can provide)
- To the best of your ability, you’ll need to attend a training day in Dover (we will try our best to facilitate everyone’s schedules)
- Attend online training and support sessions with your Bluetits Coach
Qualifier swim
- You’ll need to be able to organise and complete your own qualifier swim to be able to take part in the Channel Relay Swim, which consists of a two hour continuous swim in water under 15°C. This must take place before the allocated crossing window
Medicals, Insurance and Passport
- You’ll need a passport (valid for within 6 months of event)
- You’ll need a full Channel Swimming Association Medical
- You’ll need Events insurance cover
- You’ll need cancellation insurance (optional but highly recommended)
Terms and Conditions
- You will solely fundraise for The Bluetits so we can continue to support our community
- If you do not wish to fundraise, you can self-fund the total amount
- There will be a payment schedule that must be adhered to (confirmed in the contract once you’ve been offered a place on one of our teams)
- You will need to set up your own fundraising page, and the wording on it will need to be approved by us in advance of it going live
- Any money paid to The Bluetits is non-refundable. This is also inclusive of the Channel crossing being cancelled or your withdrawal/removal from the Bluetit Team for any reason
- If you do not raise the full balance you will have to pay the remaining from your own personal funds by the final payment date, or in instalments by a mutually agreed date with The Bluetits
- You will need to pledge to carry out any fundraising activities in compliance with the law, and you will secure any necessary collector's licences or permissions required for raising funds in public or private spaces
- You’ll not be able to swap, sell or transfer your place on the Bluetit Team, or allow anyone else to participate on your behalf or under your name
- You’ll need to be available to stay at the accommodation during the duration of the allocated crossing window, plus one day each side.
- For Team 3 - 2 June 2026 to 11 June 2026 (including a day either side)
- For Team 4 - 19 June 2016 to 2 July 2026 (including a day either side)