Tell Us Your Bluetit Tale

Each Bluetit has their own tale to tell, their own reason for coming to the water, and for doing so again and again. Some are funny, some are heartbreaking, some are thrilling. Most are all of those and more.
Bluetit tales are shared every day in the water, on the shore, over cake or with a cup of tea as we do a little warm up shuffle. We want to amplify those oh-so-special conversations throughout our community.
We want to tell your tales. To share and shout about the courage each and every one of you has in being a Bluetit. In order to do so, we need you to tell us your story!

Sian is always looking for people to speak to on her podcast, Bluetit Tales From Valerie, so she may be in touch if she would like to interview you. If you don't hear from us, this is not because your story isn't special to us. Each and every one is unique and absolutely amazing in it's own way. We may not use it straight away for any number of reasons, and we may store it for future use at a relevant opportunity.