Instagram Guidelines for Admins
These guidelines are for Bluetit Admins who wish to set up an Instagram account for their flock. Please note that this is not a requirement for flocks, these are simply guidelines for admins who wish to publicise their flock on Instagram. Please only do this if you are confident using Instagram.
Parameters for use of Instagram:
- A Bluetit Instagram account can only be set up and run by a Bluetit admin
- The Instagram account, though set up and run by admins, belongs to The Bluetits Chill Swimmers Ltd, and password details must be passed to HQ if the admin steps down.
- Bluetit swims and meet ups must continue to only be posted on the flock’s Facebook group. The Instagram account can be used to advertise the Facebook group, but not to advertise planned swims.
- Any media/partnership enquiries that admins receive via Instagram must be passed on to HQ
Guidelines for account set up:
- Name - ‘bluetits.”flockname” e.g. @bluetits.northpembrokeshire
- Profile Picture - The account’s profile picture must be the logo below (right click to download)
- Bio - The X Bluetits are part of the worldwide Bluetit Social Swim Community. Find out more @thebluetits
- Website Link -
- Please tag @thebluetits in your posts so we can share all the fabulousness with the whole international flock through the Bluetits main account!
- Please make sure that anyone in a photo that’s being shared on Instagram has given their permission to be posted on a public page, not just the private Facebook group.